- August 15, 2022
- Posted by: Shaira Camille Janoras
- Category: Uncategorized

Calling all SAFADECO’s Batipon and Aflatoun Savers!Join our Poster-Making Contest on October 01, 2022 and get a chance to win cash prize!
WHO MAY JOIN?1. The contest is open to all Batipon and Aflatoun Savers from ages 12-17 years old. 2. Non-savers of the above-mentioned programs may also join, provided that they will open an account at least 5 days prior the day of event.
1. The poster must highlight the theme for the Cooperative Month.
2. Each poster shall be made on the spot, within three hours. No pre-made artwork shall be accepted by SAFADECO;
3. One poster per contestant policy. No more than one poster shall be accepted by SAFADECO;
4. SAFADECO shall provide 1 illustration board only per contestant. The rest of the art materials shall be provided by the contestants.
5. Parents/Guardians are not allowed anywhere near the contestant while the contest is ongoing.
6. All poster entries shall be pre-numbered. No names or any other identifying marks relating to the contestant should appear in each poster.
7. The mere submission of an entry constitutes the expressed willingness and consent of the participants to publish either the original and/or the enhanced version of your entries to SAFADECO website and Official Facebook accounts.
Relevance to the theme – 30%
Color harmony – 15%
Visual Impact – 10%
Creativity – 20%
Originality – 25%

TOTAL – 100%
Send the following details: Complete Name- Age- Address
And send them via SMS at 09916691894 or simply send them at SAFADECO’s Official Page: https://www.facebook.com/SAFADECOSavingsAndCredit#batiponandaflatounsavers
#safadeco10thyearanniversary #PosterMakingContest #safadecosustainingabetterlife
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