Regular Loans
Can be availed by SAFADECO Members for personal or business start-ups or additional capital.
- Providential – If the purpose of the loan is personal (not business-related)
- Productive – If the purpose of the loan is for agricultural/non-agricultural business (Additional
Microfinance Loan
Non-collateralized loans can be availed by SAFADECO Members with small businesses either agricultural or non-agricultural
- Offered to all qualified members who will utilize the loan for business
- Loanable amount is up to 15,000
- Payable for up to 6 months
- Frequency of payment may be daily, weekly, semi-monthly, monthly, or lumpsum
P3 Loan
Non-collateralized loans can be availed by SAFADECO Members with small businesses not related to agriculture.
- Offered to all qualified members who will utilize the loan for business
- Loanable amount is up to 100,000
- Payable for up to 6 months
- With 2.25% Interest Rate per annum
- Low service fee
- Frequency of payment may be daily, weekly, semi-monthly, monthly
Tindahan Loan
Non-cash loan which can be availed by Qualified SAFADECO Members with existing sari-sari stores, mini-marts, or any similar business for at least 6 months
- Loanable amount is up to P50,000
- Payable for 3 months
- 1.5% Interest Rate
- Frequency of payment may be daily, weekly, semi-monthly
Car Loan
Respond to the needs of the members in all aspects of their lives, one of the necessities nowadays is transportation not only for personal purposes but also for business.
- For Employed: Working for at least 3 years and with current employer for at least 6 months
- For Business: Should be in operation for at least 3 years
- Brand New - Up to 80% of Net Cash Price
- Used Vehicle (not more than 3 years) - Up to 70% of the appraised value
- 8% Interest Rate per annum (Brand New Vehicle)
- 18% Interest Rate per annum (Used Vehicle)
- Brand New – payable up to 5 years (60 months)
- Used Vehicle – payable up to 3 years (36 months)